In the world we live nowadays we can find the use of technology everywhere. Cell phones, tablets, laptops… it gets easier and easier to get to the Internet and to all the information it contains. That’s why we may make use of the opportunities of working and cooperation with partners form other countries opportunities that Erasmus+ projects provide to trasmit an international dimension to theeducative training of or pupils.
The main idea of this project is the creation of digital media in which studens from different countrieswill be able to publish news and posdcats. All these news and articles will deal with important topics for participants and taking into account each school backgorund, but they will always be the same for all schools. This way we could appreciate the same news from different points of view, one per each participanting school.
For this project, partners from different countries were chosen to give to each new article alternative perspectives which could enrich it. It has been created an equilibrated mix among schools which already have some experience in working in international projects, with some other who haven’t, but have a great enthusiasm and a strong willing of working and collaborating with colleagues from antoher countries, and so enrich each other with their working experience and shared learning. So, the very first member that we find is the Spanish high school I.E.S. Las Marinas, placed in Roquetas de Mar, Almería, who will act as coordinator centre.
In second place it is the Bulgarian DimitarTalev Secondary School, which has lots of digital resources and technological knowledge that will be very useful for this specific project. We can also find the 4th Gel Rodou School from Rhodes, Greece, whose previous international experience will help to the correct develop of the common work.
And finally it is the Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Federico II from Italy, who also knows the way to work with partners from other countries. All these schools will provide a cultural balance, technical support and experience from which enrich one from another for the good practices exchange For a correct development of the project, communication among partners will be held via mail or Messenger, but the eTwinning space will be used as the main web site where students will create the digital media.
During the previous months before the beginning of the project, schools will be in touch exchanging ideas, points of view, and creating a draft schedule with all the activitites to be developed by participants. But a join staff training event hosted by the coordinator school will be necessary at the beginning of the project itself, to set the topics to deal about, define the especific responsibilities of each partner, stablish the selection criteria for participants and make a short training about the digital tools and on line platforms that will be used during the project. That’s why the attendance to this initial meeting is essential for all the project members Once these items have been set, each school will start working on the proposed activities on the calendar, and will make their contribution to the common work project.
In order to promote cooperative working, members will carry out activities that involve all participating schools ( logo contest through on line voting, satisfying surveys…), and also the same activity in all the schools to
appreciate the cultural differences (celebration of European Day of Languages, school sport days…)All these activities will be diseminated as much as possible through the on line sites where the digital media will be created, the main purpose of the project, as well as in the Erasmus+ corners that will be created in each school and also in the main social networks (Instagram, Twitter…)
During the movilities with pupils participants will be able to appreciate the cultural wealth of othercountries and take advantage of these good practises exchanges to make their knowledge grow.Each participating school will propose some beneficial activities for the rest of partners during their stay. After it, we will make satisfying surveys to pupils, teachers and parents, and we will also publish special articles in the online newspaper about these activities.
As a conclusion, we can declare that the topic of this project is of vital importance, it is focused on an idea (the use of digital tools) which is very motivating for our students, and it can be very useful for their future both personal and professional.